This week we welcomed Rachel, who came to help the Cubs earn their Athletics Badge. Those that earned that badge last year worked towards their Athletics Plus badge. After a warm up in the hall, the Cubs split into the
Run, Cubs, run!

This week we welcomed Rachel, who came to help the Cubs earn their Athletics Badge. Those that earned that badge last year worked towards their Athletics Plus badge. After a warm up in the hall, the Cubs split into the
This week, Cubs took advantage of the lighter evenings and headed to the heath to start work on their naturalist badge. Despite some initial worries, Cubs soon got very involved in finding and identifying caterpillars, plants, beetles and trees. We
This week we kicked off the summer term in style. Beavers welcomed some new children to the Colony, and learned about the history of Scouting Cubs took advantage of the good weather (a relief as the hall was out of
Over the last few weeks, Beavers have been working towards their Disability Awareness badge. Like the Cubs, Beavers spent an evening with Nicola and Kimber learning about the work of the Guide Dog Association and how important dogs like Kimber
This week, Cubs started work towards their Disability Awareness badge. Cubs discussed the different types disability, including invisible ones. We learned to finger spell our names and to sing a song with Makaton signs. Then Cubs had a go at
Over the last couple of weeks Scouts have been busy working towards their Artists badge, designing and creating stencils for some spray art. A few weeks ago they had only used one colour. This time they were challenged to use
This week, as part of their Navigator 2 badge, Cubs set off on a night hike. They had a set of written instructions to guide them through the route, and took it in turns to tell the group which way
This week Beavers made pizzas from scratch. This recipe will make 4 thin crust pizzas. 11oz pizza and pasta flour (the village shop sells it) 1/2tsp dried yeast 170ml water 1/2 tsp salt Mix together to form a dough. Knead
As part of their Cook Badge, this week Beavers learned about healthy snacks, and when high energy snacks should be eaten (eg half time during a football match, on a long walk or a run etc). They then made some
This week, the Cubs have been completing their Navigator 1 badge and starting on Navigator 2. We learned the compass points and practised. The leaders then made it harder by using bearings instead of directions. Luckily the Cubs were quick